About us

Ca•lis•te  [ka’lis’tei’]

Origin: French. Meaning: Beautiful. Caliste is a girl's name of French origin. 

We are 2 best friends from Estonia who came to Australia in 2018. Our plan was to stay here for a year but we loved Australia too much to leave. We decided to stay and create something that is ours. We had a plan for almost a year and finally made it come true in September 2022. 

 We have always taken interest in how to take care of our skin. Throughout our teenage and early adulthood years we have tried many different products and devices. A few years ago we found out about microcurrent and LED light therapy. These devices seemed too good to be true and we immediately decided to try them out. As the results were shown right away, we knew that these are the products we want to keep using and make available for others to purchase.

The goal is to have beautiful glowy skin without using too many products. It is a different feeling taking care of your skin in the comfort of your own home with these devices.